/公理宗 Congregationalism/托馬斯曼頓 Thomas Manton/
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神衡量人的心/-2024-Jul-06 22:06
林後2章5章詮釋 An Exposition of 2 Corinthians 5/-2024-Jul-06 22:06
詩篇119篇的釋義 An Exposition of Psalm 119/-2023-Dec-10 19:24
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在基督耶穌裡創造,為要行善 Created in Christ Jesus Unto Good Works/-2023-Dec-10 19:07
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羅馬書第八章講道 Sermons Upon the Eighth Chapter of Romans/-2023-Dec-10 19:07
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約翰福音17章的講道 Sermons Upon John 17/-2023-Dec-10 19:07
提多書2:11-14註釋 Exposition of Titus 2:11-14/-2023-Dec-10 19:06
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希伯來書11章講道 Sermons on Hebrews 11/-2023-Dec-10 19:06
希伯來書6:18講道 Sermons on Hebrews 6:18/-2023-Dec-10 19:06
彼得前書1:23的講道 Sermons Upon 1 Peter 1:23/-2023-Dec-10 19:06
托馬斯曼頓的講道精選 Select Sermons of Thomas Manton/-2023-Dec-10 19:06
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