(1674) Thomas Vincent, A Family Instructional Guide “QUESTION 5: Is it not lawful to have images or pictures of God by us, so we do not worship them, nor God by them? ANSWER: The images or pictures of God are an abomination, and utterly unlawful, because they debase God, and may be a cause of idolatrous worship. QUESTION 6: Is it not lawful to have pictures of Jesus Christ, he being a man as well as God? ANSWER: It is not lawful to have pictures of Jesus Christ, because his divine nature cannot be pictured at all; and because his body, as it is now glorified, cannot be pictured as it is; and because, if it do not stir up devotion, it is in vain; if it stir up devotion, it is a worshipping by an image or picture, and so a palpable breach of the second commandment.” [Thomas Vincent, A Family Instructional Guide] https://biblebased.wordpress.com/2015/12/11/should-we-make-images-of-jesus/